New Web Series “Quarter Century” May Speak Life by Diquan Julius


(Photo by Shayla Racquel)

So many people tend to get discouraged when they feel like their dreams will never be a reality. This was never the case for the young and talented Shayla Spann who uses the name Shayla Racquel for public access. Spann has shown an interest in film production for some time so she took it upon herself to put her talents to work. Like other stars and renowned populace that are unexpectedly discovered, Spann utilized the YouTube application to launch a web series entitled “Quarter Century”.

“Quarter Century” has a cast of up and coming aspiring actors and actresses such as Alana Gatling, A’naz Cotton, Bianca Johnson, and many more. The term “Quarter Century” refers to the number 25 which is the age of most mid mid life crises. This is around the time where most people begin a career and have a great salary to utilize for recreational purposes. With unique dramatization and sly wit, Spann creates an amusing way to express how much responsibility stings at the age of 25.

The first episode, entitled “Meaning of Grown”, is star lined by Alana Gatling whose role is Sasha Quinn. Sasha finds herself waking up next to an unknown individual after a weeknight of happy hour drinks and harmless fun. She meets with her friends for advice on what it means to be grown because she doesn’t have a clue. Sasha says:

“I’m 25 and I don’t even look like it. I damn sure don’t feel like it. I mean I can’t even get to work on time without being hungover. When is this transitional period from young as hell to grown supposed to happen? You know they tell you to go to high school, get your diploma. You go to college, get your degree. Nobody tells you what the hell to do afterwards.”

There are so many young adults that find themselves thinking this way whether its due to their financial status, career opportunities, lack of responsibility, or just absolute low self esteem.

Spann is a creator, director, and innovator with a fresh style and constructive skill set that many will grow to appreciate. Her work has been featured in HBCU Digest’s “Top Web Series Produced by HBCU Students, Alumni, and Faculty” ranking “Quarter Century” at number 4. This should be of no surprise because many HBCU alumni would be able to relate to the drama personified in this series so far. This series brings life to what has became the real world for recent college graduates.

Can Lebron James slow down the Pacers? by Diquan Julius


(Photo: Steve Mitchell, USA TODAY Sports)

The Miami Heat has been known for their fast paced, high powered offense, and robust defense. With players like Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh, this team has its place in history with the greats. James is known to be the greatest player in the world at this time but some may say that its only because of the great amount of talent that he has to utilize. This team is now faced with the task of taking on the Indiana Pacers, which have been playing remarkable lately, in the Eastern Conference playoff finals.

The Pacers have major advantages over the Miami Heat due to the big time play from their “Big Men”, Roy Hibbert and David West. Hibbert has been close to unstoppable this series averaging 22.4 ppg and 12.0 rpg. David West adds another 18.2 ppg and 7.8 rpg. Their back court has also played out of sight and mind due to the play of Paul George and unexpected help from Lance Stephenson.

Some can make the case that James is not getting enough help, especially from his sidekick Dwayne Wade. Wade has disappeared lately in this playoff series and the rest of the team just shows how mediocre they really are. Lebron is trying everything to lead the Heat to a third consecutive NBA Finals but even he shows that he is only human. James is getting worn down both mentally and physically so he has tried to resort to flopping to get easy calls from the refs. He even supported the act of flopping by saying “Any way you can get the advantage over an opponent to help your team win, then so be it.” James has been fined $5,000 for flopping in game 4 of the series.

With the Pacers playing at this level and James not getting any help from his supporting cast, I believe it is safe to say that the Pacers have the best shot at winning this series. James’ numbers are extremely impressive but he is just not doing enough to win the close games. He did win game 1 with an over play by Paul George which led to an easy layup. This series could have easily been in favor of the Pacers 3-1. If the Heat doesn’t find a way to motivate James’ help then this series won’t even make it to game 7.

The Washington Redskins Name Change Fiasco

(photo by

The Washington Redskins nickname change conversation is nothing new. Activists, Native American Leaders and supporters have continuously fought to change the name of the nation’s capital football team every off-season over the years. However the topic this off-season has never stayed so relevant. Native Americans consider the “R-Word” a derogatory and culturally offensive word no different from what Blacks will consider the “N-Word”.

When confronted with the name change proposition Redskins owner Dan Snyder recently said that “he will never change the name”. On Tuesday May 28, 2013, 10 members of Congress sent letters to the organization, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and all other NFL teams urging them to change the name. You know things are serious when the national government gets involved. Not only did those members of Congress voice their displeasure with the name to Snyder but they “CC” his boss and everybody in the office.

Snyder needs to embrace change and just change the name already. The Redskins name is socially offensive, old, and played out. This guy is just downright dismissing the pleas of the government and it’s not even for traditionally reasons. It’s already a new regime with RGIII behind center; Snyder might as well change the name now.

All in all Dan Synder will not change the name unless the government intervenes even more. He simply will not do it, but not because of racism. It’s not pride. It’s not because of tradition or the team’s storied history. It’s because of money. Changing all the trademarks would cost the organization a lot of money and at the end of the day football isn’t just a sport, it’s a business.